Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre

Empowering Urban Indigenous Communities: Highlights from the Community Health Gathering 2024

On May 3, 2024, Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre proudly hosted the Community Health Gathering 2024, uniting members from the Downtown East Indigenous communities.

This gathering served as a important platform for urban Indigenous people, service providers, and allies to engage and exchange knowledge on holistic health and wellbeing, enhancing networking opportunities.

The gathering showcased several key Toronto organizations committed to Indigenous health, including the Women’s College Hospital—Centre for Wise Practices in Indigenous Health, Anishnawbe Health Toronto,UHN, Sherbourne Health,Fred Victor,Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, NCCT Native Canadian Centre of Toronto,Tungasuvvingat Inuit,Health Common Solutions Lab,Unity Helath Toronto, Toronto Public Health Dental Clinic, and Indigenous Diabetes Health Circle.

The event wrapped up with a wonderful performance by the Red Bear singers, who shared indigenous songs and played hand drums, reflecting values like wisdom, love, respect, bravery, honesty, truth, and humility.

This free gathering included fun activities, prizes, and snacks, emphasizing the importance of strong, all-around support for the Downtown East Indigenous communities.

For those who missed the event or wish to relive the moments, a news video covering the Community Health Gathering 2024 is available on YouTube. Prepared by Regent Park TV, the video provides a detailed look at the event’s highlights.